Review: Comexim Geisha in 70HH

[Edit: Wow, apparently I had the size wrong! I had thought (and initially wrote) that this bra was 65J – probably because that’s exactly how it fits. Very tight in the band for a 70.  It is actually the sister size, 70HH (I bought this bra used on bratabase). I have edited the post below in accord with this realization.]

Today I have on display Comexim’s beautiful Geisha in 70HH, which is a near perfect fit on me:

Geisha is the last Comexim plunge I have purchased, and my 3rd Comexim plunge total. Oddly, this plunge is a different size compared to the other two! My Poison Ivy and Ingrid are sister sizes, at 60J and 65HH respectively. Here I’m up a cup size and band size to 70HH. But all 3 fit nicely (with Ingrid being perhaps a little smaller than the others).

Geisha features a subtle Eastern inspired lace detail with blush flowers. Black mesh overlay over beige cups is a typical “sexy” lingerie design, but the exaggerated black seaming gives this bra a unique look. 


Comexim plunges have perfect height cups for my tall roots, and this one is no exception. The cups lay perfectly against tissue at all points with not a bit of gaping. The cup width and wire width is perfect, too – my breasts are pushed neatly forward and center and held there fully contained. 


The only quibble I have is tiny: I can use just the teeniest bit more space at the center for inner fullness. If I move around a lot there can be some ever so slight overflow in that area. It’s worth noting that Comexim plunges definitely vary on this factor. Poison Ivy, for example, has a lot more room in the center. 

Nice firm and sturdy band: 


Narrow wires, uplifted round shape:

It’s nice to see design carried over on the band! That’s unfortunately pretty rare. 


Yeah I know – that’s some pattern mixing above! Boy am I lazy…

The bottom projection of Comexim plunges are suitable for me, though I know that some people find there is not enough bottom projection. Comexim plunges are particularly projected at the apex, instead – the peak of the bra where your nipple is. 

This is a comfortable bra. All of my Comexim plunges are. The straps do appear close to the armpits, which often means bad news, but the materials are soft and inconspicuous somehow.  Comexim wires are also rather soft and flexible, too. I was trying to hang around the house in an Ewa Michalak SM the other day, and I gotta say – the poking wires made me take it off. Comexim wires are friendly wires. 🙂


The most comfortable aspect of this bra is simply how well it fits. No fidgeting or adjusting during the day because everything stays put.  Come to think of it, it may be my technically best-fitting bra at the moment. 

The seams are actually not too visible under a tshirt:


But, alas, the reason why Geisha won’t get as much wear as she should – the big boob projected look.   Damn my professional wardrobe!


Seriously, Polish bras are my favorite in all respects – I just wish in-your-face boobs was a little more socially acceptable, and didn’t turn blouses into tents! 

Comexim Geisha is still available on Comexim’s website. Grab one before it leaves forever!

7 thoughts on “Review: Comexim Geisha in 70HH

  1. Great fit! Have you tried fitted button-downs, a’la Campbell & Kate or Pepperberry? Personally, i’m not a fan of collars or buttons, so I rarely wear them, relying instead on fine gauge cardigans when I want to de-boobify a bit.


    • I do have a few fitted buttons downs that I have acquired over the years (random brands). I commute over an hour to work so I’ve stopped wearing them because they get wrinkled from sitting in the car! Cardigans are good too though, as you say. My go-to lately for work are shallower bras that smush my boobs in for profile minimization so that I can wear blousey tops without a lot of tenting. I actually really like the look, though it’s sad to have to avoid the Polish!


  2. Question – how does the cup height on the plunges compare to the halfcups? Obviously exactly where they have coverage is a little differnt, but would you say the plunges have more overall coverage than the halfcups? It’s hard to judge from Bratabase, since you can’t always tell when a bra has been altered.


    • The only halfcups I have tried so far were the Victoria and the Joy longline (you can find both reviews on the blog, and both are sister sizes to this Geisha plunge – 65J and 60K respectively). So I do not have too much experience with the halfcups, and I haven’t had perfect results with the fits. From placing my Joy over my Geisha to see the difference, and by looking back at the photos, it appears there is a similar amount of coverage – but for the half cups the coverage is more horizontal. The coverage of the plunge is in regards to taller cups (but really just by a smudge – I was surprised when overlaying them that the difference wasn’t so much). If you want a halfcup with less coverage, Ewa Michalak’s CHP cut is a better option.


      • Interesting info comparing the halfcups to plunges. Thanks for that. I think the plunges will be too tall for me, but since the half cups are quite similar (that surprised me – amazing how little you can really tell in photos), I’m considering asking for a reduced cups alteration on a half cup.


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